
 Your Initial Appointment

Regional Victoria Grazing Wangaratta.jpg

What should I bring to my first appointment?

Orthopaedic Surgeon Wangaratta Victoria James Churchill.jpg

For your initial appointment, please ensure you have the following:

  • A copy of your referral letter

  • Medicare card

  • Private Health Insurance details (if applicable)

  • TAC / WorkCover Claim details (if applicable)

  • Healthcare or DVA card (if applicable)

  • Imaging

    • Please bring any copies of imaging related to the problem for which you have been referred (X Ray, CT Scan, Ultrasound).

    • If you have any other diagnostic reports these are also useful to bring along.

    • Most imaging providers allow online access to images. If you do not have copies of imaging, please ensure you have the details of where your x-rays or scans were carried out.

What to expect at your first appointment

Prior to your first appointment, you will be required to fill out a New Patient Registration Form. Please find an electronic copy of the New Patient Form HERE to enable you to complete it prior to your appointment. Otherwise allow 15 minutes before your appointment to complete this.

During your Initial Appointment, Mr Churchill will take a detailed history and examine the problematic area. You should wear loose fitting clothing to allow an appropriate examination.

Your imaging will be reviewed, and treatment options will be discussed. Sometimes further investigations will be required, in which case appropriate referrals for these will be provided.

If surgery is indicated, this will be discussed with you in detail.

TeleHealth Appointments

Due to current COVID-19 restrictions, it is possible to have your consultation via TeleHealth.

We prefer to have initial appointments in person, as it allows better assessment of your condition. We are happy to discuss this possibility with you.